as board advisors, we provide the necessary guidance to realize your success

We are a group of experts willing to share our expertise, skills, and knowledge with the board of directors of your organization.

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Expertise in various factions of business 

Our advisory board members offer expertise in various factions of business such as:

  • Business development and grow
  • Business diversification
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Business control
  • Compliance
  • Human resources
  • Organizational efficiency
  • Conduction or preparation for an audit

By design, the purpose of a board of advisors is to offer advice and guidance to the board of directors to help them make decisions that are in keeping with the mission and vision and that are in the organization’s best interest.

Before setting up a board of advisors, boards should discuss the issue and come to a consensus on why they want to establish an advisory board and what they hope to accomplish with it. Boards need to keep the advisory board’s purpose in mind when creating it so they can structure the advisory board to get the most from it.

Advisory Board vs. Board of Directors: What Is the Difference?

While the names are similar, the roles of a board of advisors vs. a board of directors are distinctly different. An advisory board is an informal committee where the board selects the members.
The primary role of a board is to strategize for organizational success and future sustainability. The core responsibilities of a nonprofit board of directors include:

Providing guidance, education, and advice in their area of expertise
Providing financial oversight
Ensuring the organization has sufficient resources
Abiding by the fiduciary duties of duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience
Ensuring legal compliance and good governance
Hiring, firing, and overseeing the CEO or executive director
Making changes in executive leadership
Recruiting, orienting, and training board members
Improving the organization’s reputation
Raising money for the organization

By contrast, a board of advisors bears responsibility for the following duties:

Providing guidance, education, and advice in their area of expertise
Expanding the organization’s network
Promoting the organization in the community and within its network
Offering annual investments
Forming an advisory board is one of many ways boards can work toward fulfilling their duties responsibly.

Benefits of Advisory Boards

Advisory boards can be beneficial for startup nonprofits that have fewer resources.
Unlike board directors with fiduciary duties, advisory board members don’t have any liability, allowing them to freely give guidance and advice to the board. The board can take or discard their advice as they see fit.
Advice from an advisory board tends to be more specific to new changes that are occurring and affecting operations. There tends to be a freer flow of information and discussion during an advisory board meeting than a board of directors meeting with a strict agenda.
People who have the caliber to serve on an advisory board will also help expand an organization’s networking contacts.